Are you ready to take your romance novel from good to phenomenal?

choose your adventure

Tell love stories.

Fight the patriarchy.

I’m just a reader, sitting with a book, asking for it to take me away from reality. Because that’s what we all want, right? To escape into fictional worlds where true love conquers all and villains are slain (or redeemed) by the end.

That’s where you, my dear writer, come in. You have a story idea that you need help fleshing out. Or you’ve written a captivating story but need help fixing plot holes. You have my next escapism.

But you need help. You need an editor to push you to dig deeper into the emotional connection between your characters, to help fill any plot holes or point out inconsistencies, and fix any typos.

I can be your editor. Together we’ll make your novel an escapism that readers will love.

It’s basically magic. (Mine and yours.)

Your story, my expertise

Hi, I’m Casey, international romance editor extraordinaire! I’ve worked with dozens of romance authors, from brand-new writers working on their debut novel to NYT bestselling authors working on their seventeenth (published) novel. I also work as a freelance editor for Harlequin! Yes, it’s a dream career come true! No matter where you’re at in your writing career, I can be the editor for you. While I predominately work with romance books, I have also edited YA fiction, paranormal, cozy mystery, and fantasy. If you’ve written a book in a different genre, feel free to reach out anyway! We might be a fit! If not, I can recommend other fiction editors who can help you.

As your editor, I will hold your hand and kick your ass with each edit. I incorporate humor in my notes, so you’ll laugh while sobbing over the fact that I suggested you rewrite the entire first chapter.* (I’ve only done that once, and the author thanked me for making her book that much stronger!) 


After one round of developmental edits with me, USA Today bestselling author Lexi C. Foss added over 20K words to her paranormal romance novel, Blood Heart. It went on to win a Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal Romance 2019 and was a finalist for a Maggie Award for Best Paranormal Romance 2019!


Award-winning author Tracy Sumner hired me to do a line edit on her novel, The Rake Is Taken.  It received a glowing review from Kirkus! The review was posted in the September 2020 issue of Kirkus Magazine; only the top 10% of all reviews get a spot in the magazine! 

Sumner seamlessly blends gaslight-era fantasy and conventional historical romance. She also perfectly incorporates detailed supernatural elements into her well-researched setting….Readers may be initially drawn to the book for its exciting paranormal aspects, but they’ll stay for the electric dialogue between Finn and Victoria, which includes plenty of comic banter.” — Kirkus Reviews. Read the full review here.

Camille Baker worked with me in a plotting session on her manuscript, Have We Met?, in early 2020. Camille worked her ass off with the revision notes I gave her. She got signed by an agent, and by the end of August 2020, she had a two-book deal with Lake Union Publishing! Her debut novel, Have We Met?, came out summer 2021!

As much as I wish I could guarantee results like Camille’s, I can’t. Getting signed by an agent and getting a book deal takes an incredible amount of hard work and a little bit of luck sprinkled on top. But I can help you get your manuscript in tip-top shape, so you present the best possible work to agents and publishers.


Every book is unique. Every story has something new and special about it that only that story can tell. My goal as your editor is to pull that uniqueness to the forefront. My job as your editor is to make that story shine with its fullest potential, so that it’s not just some passion project but a fully developed, critically acclaimed novel that you are proud to show off.


Your book is good. Let’s make it phenomenal.




I Can't Recommend Her Enough!

Casey is a godsend! I love working with her. She is always positive and fun and makes the editing process as painless and educational as possible. I always learn something new. Add to that the fact that she puts the pro in professional, and she is a dream. I can’t recommend her highly enough! 

Darynda Jones, New York Times Bestselling Author

Great Eye for Detail!

“I’m so thrilled to have had Casey work on a book bible for my Demonica series! It’s a long series and very complicated, and she has a great eye for detail, catching things I’d completely forgotten! I’d recommend Casey over and over. Thank you, Casey!”

Larissa Ione, New York Times Bestselling Author

Casey is Absolutely Brilliant!

“Finding the right developmental editor is vital to an author’s creative process. It’s a delicate skill that requires providing an influential critique while also giving critical feedback in a non-belittling way. There are not many editors out there who can do this, but Casey has mastered the skill.

Casey reviews manuscripts in a positive way that touches on the strengths of the story, while also pointing out the flaws in a constructive manner. Her notes always bolster my confidence in my writing and provide fantastic advice/direction on how to improve the story/plot. And her attention to detail is spot on. She’s absolutely brilliant, and I will definitely be working with her on my future projects.”

Lexi C. Foss, USA Today Bestselling Author

My Trusted Partner & Indispensable Resource!

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Casey on several projects, and have come to appreciate and depend upon her keen eye and unique insight. She’s the perfect combination of a devoted reader and a consummate professional, and her feedback consistently elevates the overall quality of my work as an author. From characterization to themes and plot, Casey is able to identify potential issues and make sound recommendations for improvement. She’s become my trusted partner and an indispensable resource, and I would highly recommend her services to writers at all levels of the game.” 

Cynthia St. Aubin, USA Today Bestselling Author

Plotting Sessions Are A MUST Before Revisions!

"I worked with Casey on a plotting session before diving into edits for my second draft. My goal was to strengthen my conflict and get an overall clearer direction for my plot, and I was very pleased with the result! Casey was able to pick up on plot issues and she gave me a great idea on how to tie my sub-plot and main plot together. You know when you get an idea and it rings so true, it's like it was always meant to be? That's how I felt with Casey. I'm pretty sure she saved me a couple of drafts. Highly recommend this as a pre-revision step!"

Camille Baker, Debut novel, Have We Met?, coming 2021!

Casey is a Joy to Work With!

"Casey is a joy to work with! She wrote the back cover copy for my debut novel and I couldn’t have found a better editor for the job. She is incisive, professional and also supportive and funny. The copy she created is perfect and she gave me the confidence to move forward. I can’t recommend her highly enough!”

Megan Steer, 2019 Debut Author

Always Going the Extra Mile!

“I love working with Casey! She is always available for a question or concern, always going the extra mile to make sure that I feel comfortable and confident in what we are doing. She has a great eye for details, both in grammar and plot details, and it’s nice to know that I have someone like her who has my back.” 

Annabelle HunterAuthor of Lark Davis & Barrow Bay Mysteries 

I feel really LUCKY to have found Casey!

"I feel really LUCKY to have found Casey. I wrote for many years in a box, then realized I needed an editorial partner to help me navigate the creative process. Casey has an incredible eye for detail, is sharply attuned to the material, and provided feedback above and beyond what I expected to receive. 

Her notes were spot-on (and funny!), pointing out elements of the story I'd missed in a positive, constructive manner. Her suggestions for revisions often included multiple ways to solve the issue, which was terribly beneficial.

I can't wait to work with her again. In fact, we're already scheduling future projects!"

Tracy SumnerAward Winning Author 



Editorial Services

I offer developmental edits, line edits, and proofreading. Need a mixture of two or three types of editing? We can create an edit that fits your needs!

I also work with other editors to provide copyediting after I’ve done a developmental or line edit!

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Book Coaching

It does not matter where you are at in your writing journey, if you've never written a book before, if you've started a book but don't know where to go, if you've written a book but know that it needs help before diving into a full developmental edit, I can help you at any of these stages.

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Back Cover Copy (AKA Blurbs)

Now is your time to shine and attract readers! I know most authors hate writing their blurbs. But luckily for you, it’s one of my favorite projects to take on. 

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Not sure where to start?

You can set up a free consultation with me! You get my undivided attention for 30 minutes while we break down exactly what you need, how I can help you thrive, and what we can do together to make your book phenomenal. 

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Hey, let’s talk!

13 + 9 =