by heartfullofink | Oct 9, 2018 | Editing
I get a lot of emails from authors asking what they can expect from a Developmental Edit (also known as a Content Edit). While some authors secretly want an editor who will be blown away by their manuscript and love every bit, that’s not what an editor is supposed to...
by heartfullofink | Mar 29, 2018 | Editing
Some authors don’t hire editors because they don’t want someone telling them how they have to write their books. While I can’t speak for other freelance editors, that is an inaccurate view of my editing style. My edits are and always will be merely suggestions. When I...
by heartfullofink | Jan 8, 2018 | Editing
I’ve been reading romance novels for most of my life. I know it inside and out. I read everything from YA to erotic romance, and I can help you with any subgenre. Historical, check. Paranormal, definitely. Romantic suspense, absolutely. I can also work with any heat...